Rockserwis FM playlista - teraz gramy
Na stronie teraz gra Rockserwis FM jest możliwość wyszukiwania poprzednich piosenek nawet do 30 dni wstecz, a poszukiwanej piosenki możesz połuchać za pośrednictwem YouTube-a. Już nie musisz się obawiać, że się nie dowiesz, co było grane poprzednio w twoim ulubionym radiu. W panelu znajdującym się nad listą Playlista jest możliwość filtrowania w liście odtwarzania na podstawie nazwy i czasu odtwarzania. Poza tym do poszczególne radia posiadają opcję wyboru kanału, którą możesz wykonać listę piosenek danego kanału. W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań napisz do nas poprzez stronę kontaktową!
12.02 08:49 - THE VEILS - ...And Out Of The Void Came Love - Undertow
12.02 08:44 - THE WAR ON DRUGS - I Don't Live Here Anymore (feat. Lucius) - I Don't Live Here Anymore (feat. Lucius)
12.02 08:39 - STARSABOUT - Longing For Home - Longing For Home
12.02 08:35 - TEARS FOR FEARS - Songs For A Nervous Planet - Astronaut
12.02 08:32 - BRADLEY COOPER - A Star Is Born soundtrack - Black Eyes
12.02 08:28 - KACEY JOHANSING - Year Away - Year Away
12.02 08:24 - LOREENA MCKENNITT - The Wind That Shakes The Barley - The Star Of The County Down
12.02 08:19 - PETER GABRIEL - single - This Is Home
12.02 08:16 - LO MOON - Real Love - Real Love
12.02 08:11 - THE DOOBIE BROTHERS - WalkThisRoad - Lahaina feat. Mick Fleetwood
12.02 08:07 - GLEN HANSARD - All That Was East Is West Of Me Now - There's No Mountain
12.02 08:04 - JULIAN LENNON - Jude - Save Me
12.02 08:00 - MILES - Don't Let The Cold In - No Love
12.02 07:55 - EMBRACE - If You've Never Been - Wonder
12.02 07:49 - RETURNED TO THE EARTH - Fall Of The Watcher - White Room
12.02 07:45 - PAT METHENY - The Falcon And The Snowman - This Is Not America
12.02 07:41 - LUCIFER - Lucifer V - Slow Dance In A Crypt
12.02 07:36 - PURESSENCE - Only forever - Standing In Your Shadow
12.02 07:30 - SOUP - Visions - Crystalline
12.02 07:25 - B.B. KING - Deuces Wild - Dangerous Mood (with Joe Cocker)
12.02 07:21 - MARILLION - An Hour Before It's Dark - Care (IV) Angels on Earth
12.02 07:18 - THE WALKER BROTHERS - The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore - The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore
12.02 07:14 - BLUR - The Ballad Of Darren - The Ballad
12.02 07:09 - STEREOPHONICS - Language.Sex.Violence.Other? - Dakota
12.02 07:06 - NOEL GALLAGHER'S HIGH FLYING BIRDS - Chasing Yesterday - The Girl With X-Ray Eyes
12.02 07:01 - PEARL JAM - Dark Matter - Wreckage
12.02 06:56 - FOALS - What Went Down - Mountain At My Gates
12.02 06:53 - LINKIN PARK - single - The Emptiness Machine
12.02 06:48 - TIM BOWNESS - Flowers At The Scene - Rainmark (feat. Jim Matheos)
12.02 06:44 - VV - Neon Noir - Neon Noir
12.02 06:36 - EOB - single - Brasil
12.02 06:30 - MYSTERY - Redemption - Every Note
12.02 06:26 - THE HOLMES BROTHERS - Brotherhood - Lickety Split
12.02 06:20 - THE GATHERING - Beautiful Distortion - Black Is Magnified
12.02 06:17 - JOHN FRED & HIS PLAYBOY BAND - Agnes English - Judy In Disguise (With Glasses)
12.02 06:14 - PJ HARVEY, TIM PHILLIPS - single - Love Will Tear Us Apart
12.02 06:08 - TEARS FOR FEARS - The Seeds Of Love (Remastered 1999) - Woman In Chains
12.02 06:04 - GENE - Drawn To The Deep End - Save Me, I'm Yours
12.02 06:01 - RED BOX - single - Wait for You
12.02 05:50 - BAUHAUS - Bela Lugosi's Dead - Bela Lugosi's Dead
12.02 05:48 - AARON COPLAND - The Heiress (Paramount Pictures' 90th Anniversary Memorable Scores 2002) - Departure/Morris Suggests Love/The Proposal/Finale
12.02 05:43 - JOHN ILLSLEY - Testing The Water - This Is Your Voice
12.02 05:39 - ROBERT SMITH - It Never Was The Same (The Twilight Sad single) - There's A Girl In The Corner
12.02 05:35 - MYRKUR - Folkesange - Leaves of Yggdrasil
12.02 05:32 - KYLE DIXON & MICHAEL STEIN - Stranger Things Volume One (A Netflix Original Series Soundtrack) - Eleven