Rockserwis FM playlista - teraz gramy
Na stronie teraz gra Rockserwis FM jest możliwość wyszukiwania poprzednich piosenek nawet do 30 dni wstecz, a poszukiwanej piosenki możesz połuchać za pośrednictwem YouTube-a. Już nie musisz się obawiać, że się nie dowiesz, co było grane poprzednio w twoim ulubionym radiu. W panelu znajdującym się nad listą Playlista jest możliwość filtrowania w liście odtwarzania na podstawie nazwy i czasu odtwarzania. Poza tym do poszczególne radia posiadają opcję wyboru kanału, którą możesz wykonać listę piosenek danego kanału. W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań napisz do nas poprzez stronę kontaktową!
17.02 04:05 - ARCHIVE - Restriction - Feel It
17.02 04:03 - ENNIO MORRICONE (WITH ORCHESTRA DELL'ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DI SANTA CECILIA) - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Ennio Morricone Conducts Morricone His Greatest Hits 2016) - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly: Titles
17.02 04:00 - MARC ALMOND - Shadows And Reflections - How Can I Be Sure
17.02 03:35 - AGUSA - En Annan Värld - Sagobrus
17.02 03:32 - TANGERINE DREAM - Sorcerer (Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - Search
17.02 03:28 - PETTER CARLSEN - Sirens - You Could Be The One
17.02 03:24 - THIERRY MEYER - Paradoxe / Trip - Paradoxe
17.02 03:20 - FEVER RAY - Radical Romantics - Kandy
17.02 03:08 - DEEP PURPLE - Deep Purple - April
17.02 03:04 - TIM BOWNESS - Late Night Laments - Darkline
17.02 03:03 - BENJAMIN BRATT - Coco (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - Remember Me (Ernesto de la Cruz)
17.02 03:00 - DUNGEN - Allassak - Akt Dit
17.02 02:45 - BERNARD HERRMAN (JOHN MAUCERI & LONDON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA) - Psycho (The Genius of Film Music 2015) - Psycho (A Narrative For String Orchestra)
17.02 02:43 - ANJA GARBAREK - Smiling And Waving - Her Room
17.02 02:39 - PLENTY - It could be Home - As Tears Go By
17.02 02:36 - THIS MORTAL COIL - Blood - Several Times
17.02 02:30 - LOREENA MCKENNITT - Lost Souls - Spanish Guitars and Night Plazas
17.02 02:26 - BILLY OCEAN - The Jewel Of The Nile (Music From The 20th Century Fox Motion Picture Soundtrack) - When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going
17.02 02:21 - GRZEGORZ TURNAU - Kraina łagodności - czterolistna - Wiem
17.02 02:17 - MOBY - Everything Was Beautiful And Nothing Hur - Mere Anarchy
17.02 02:13 - JONATHAN HULTÉN - Chants From Another Place - The Roses
17.02 02:10 - MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND - The Roaring Silence - Starbird
17.02 02:06 - NEIL YOUNG - The Monsanto Years - Wolf Moon
17.02 02:03 - VANGELIS - 1492 - Conquest Of Paradise (Music From The Original Soundtrack) - West Across The Ocean Sea
17.02 02:00 - HOUSE BY THE LAKE - Out Of The Wood - Hollow
17.02 01:57 - RAMIN DJAWADI - Game Of Thrones: Season 3 (Music From The HBO Series) - You Know Nothing
17.02 01:52 - A.A. WILLIAMS - Songs From Isolation - Nights In White Satin
17.02 01:49 - JOHN FOXX - Metamatic - Underpass
17.02 01:44 - ARCHIVE - 25 - Erase
17.02 01:39 - THE CURE - Faith - The Funeral Party
17.02 01:36 - TANGERINE DREAM - Legend (Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack) - Unicorn Theme
17.02 01:29 - SIMPLE MINDS - Empires And Dance - This Fear Of Gods
17.02 01:25 - PARZIVALS EYE - Defragments - Long Distance
17.02 01:18 - ANTIMATTER - Leaving Eden - Another Face In A Window
17.02 01:12 - SANTANA - Caravanserai - Song Of The Wind
17.02 01:06 - PROCOL HARUM - Novum - The Only One
17.02 01:04 - JÓHANN JÓHANNSSON - The Theory Of Everything (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - A Brief History Of Time
17.02 01:00 - GOD'S OWN MEDICINE - Afar - Hollow
17.02 00:49 - SOPOR AETERNUS & THE ENSEMBLE OF SHADOWS - Poetica (All Beauty Sleeps) - The Sleeper
17.02 00:44 - M83 - Fantasy - Us And The Rest
17.02 00:41 - JOHN FAHEY - Logan Lucky (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - Revolt of the Dyke Brigade
17.02 00:34 - VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Still Life - Pilgrims
17.02 00:29 - SPIRITUAL FRONT - Amour Braque - Devoted To You
17.02 00:25 - IGGY POP - Post Pop Depression - Gardenia
17.02 00:16 - CARAVAN - Caravan - Where But For Caravan Would I